Good Friday


Read Matthew 27:15-26

This is cosmic storytelling at its finest. Symbolism if there ever was symbolism, yet as real as you and me. It was customary to release a prisoner at Passover time, and by no coincidence, Jesus had just been arrested. Pilate asks the crowd who he should release, assuming that it would be Jesus who had committed no crime, instead of the hardened criminal, Barabbas. But the crowd wanted Barabbas. Pilate would eventually say about Jesus, "I am innocent of this man's blood," showing that what happened next was on them, the crowd. And in the irony of ironies, the crowd replies, "His blood be on us and our children (v25)." Have you ever considered the details of this story? Jesus, the innocent, had a chance to be set free, but instead, He would die, and the guilty would walk free. And the cherry on top, the crowd literally said that Jesus' blood would be on them. That's the gospel! That the wicked could walk free because Jesus the righteous died, and His blood would cover those who believe. Jesus died in your place. You are Barabbas. The penalty for your sin is death, and Jesus took that on Himself on the cross and died in your place. You can never repay the sin debt you have accrued. Still, Jesus took every bit of your guilt on Himself, and you get to live a life set free-- instead of life in the bondage of your sin awaiting eternal destruction. But only if we have faith in what He has done for us on the cross.

Have you ever trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you ever thanked Him for taking your place? If so, when was the last time you thanked Him? If not, what is stopping you from doing so today? Spend some time in prayer talking to God about how it makes you feel that Jesus died so that you might live. Then spend some time praying that God would let these truths permeate your heart and change your life. We never "graduate" from this truth, and it continues to change us as we understand it more and more. No matter if we are brand new Christians or have followed Christ for 80 years. Ask God today to grow you in His grace.