Holy Tuesday


Read Luke 20:9-18

The next stop in our journey through Holy Week is the parable of the wicked tenants. Jesus was illustrating how God's people were living. God is the vineyard owner who planted the vineyard. The vineyard was Israel, the Jews. The tenants were the Jewish religious leaders. God had given his blessing and favor to the Jews, yet they were ungrateful. They killed prophets in the Old Testament (the servant in the story). You'd think they would respect the land owner's son when he came to collect rent, but they didn't. And they were soon to treat God's son the same way they treated the land owner's son. But Jesus said the owner would return and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to those who would respect and appreciate what He had done for them. That's exactly what Christ was doing when He went to the cross. His own people had rejected Him, but as the rejected stone, He would become the cornerstone of a new building, a building of people broken by their sin and made alive by Christ. In other words, salvation was available to all.

When I read this parable and think of its depth, I have 3 responses. First, I am incredibly grateful for everything Christ ushered into the world with His death on the cross. I am thankful that I have a way to salvation through Him. But second, I also fear that I sometimes slip into the same thinking pattern as the Jews. May I never take for granted what the Father has gifted to me, my salvation, and the opportunity to live for Him-- the life more abundant. And finally, if the world treated Jesus this way, you can be assured that the world will not always look kindly upon those who carry His message  (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15).

What about you? What thoughts come to mind when you read this parable? Hopefully, it's some of the same. Are you drawn to thanksgiving by what Christ has done for us, offering the world, you and me, the forgiveness of sins through His death on the cross? Are you convicted by how you've misused what God has given you? Do you think you ever take any of that for granted? How do you feel knowing that the world may not be a big fan of the message you carry? Spend the next few moments in prayer, considering the truth of this passage. Then spend some time adoring God for who He is, asking Him to work in your heart to accept these truths, make you bolder in your faith, and more like Christ