April 2nd
Read John 12:1-8

Mary poured her expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet. Can you picture this scene? Everyone would have known the value and likely every jaw dropped in awe of the amount of money (roughly a year’s wages) Mary was pouring onto Jesus. The smell, perhaps a fragrance sweeter than you’ve ever smelled, filled the whole house. Her point was this: she was showing her devotion to Jesus at great personal sacrifice. Judas scoffed, noting how much good they could do with the money from the perfume, but Jesus concluded this passage not by rebuking Mary, but Judas. Jesus would only be around for a little while and the time was short to show devotion to Him. He would soon die on the cross, and Mary had essentially anointed Him for burial.
  • What do you think this act of Mary’s showed about her devotion to Jesus? Do you think she considered the cost of what she was doing? How would you have reacted had you been around that table? Would you be willing to do what Mary did?
  • Though we do not physically have Jesus in our presence like they had in this story, we too can show our devotion to Him. It doesn’t always have to be “expensive” gestures the way the world sees it. But I do believe this story calls us to humble ourselves and sacrifice in our worship of Christ. When was the last time following or worshiping Jesus cost you something?
  • He gave everything He had for us, even His life. We often hold back what we have in response to who He is, but Mary didn’t. Even though we acknowledge Jesus with our lips we often hold onto our pride, our time, our money, our reputation, our comforts, and much more.
  • On the same note we sometimes cling to those things as a source of security, but giving those things to Jesus just may be what it takes to truly trust Him. What is one way you could display a deeper devotion and trust in Christ in your life this week? What is one thing you’ve been holding onto because you haven’t trusted Jesus enough?
Spend some time in prayer, either as individuals, or as a family. Consider your answers to these questions, repent where necessary, and praise God for being who He is and sending His son to bring us to Him.