April 6th
Read John 12:27-36
This passage has quite a bit going on in it, and while I would love to explain everything that is happening here it would both not be in line with the purpose of this devotion and it would take much more time than we have right now. Instead we will break it down into 3 parts.
God has Spoken.
  • What do you think God sounds like? Have you ever given it much thought? Here some thought His voice was thunder, yet others thought it was an angel speaking. In either case, can you imagine the sheer power of God speaking audibly? What was He saying? That His name (His image or reputation) was already great, but He was about to make it even greater! Jesus said God did this for their benefit! How do you think He was going to do this and why? (See verses 31-32)
  • How could the death of Jesus be glorifying to God? (See John 13:31)
Judgment has Come.
  • One of the things God was saying in this moment was that Judgment had come. What do you think of when you think of the judgment of God? Is it normally positive or negative? Why do you think it was necessary that judgment come?
  • What did Jesus mean by “when I am lifted up” in verse 32? (See Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:1-16) What does this have to do with judgment? How do you think this glorifies God as mentioned in verse 28?
  • Knowing what we know from John 3 and Numbers 21, what do you think Jesus was saying about His crucifixion when He spoke the words of verse 32?
Believe in Jesus.
  • Just like in John 3, Jesus says here that He will be lifted up, and we know that He was referring to His death on the cross and that all who look upon Him in faith will be saved, born again, made new.
  • Does your life have direction? Jesus said in verse 35 that those who do not walk in His light don’t know where they are going: they are without direction. Jesus was essentially saying that in Him alone is purpose and direction in life. Everyone else is tossed by the constant waves of culture and swept away by every wind of reasoning that comes along (Ephesians 4:14).
  • Jesus is the light! He says to believe in the light, in other words, believe in Him! Have you ever truly believed in Him? Is He now guiding your path and giving you direction? If not, it may be evident that you have never come to Him for salvation. If that is the case, stop now, go to the last section of this book titled "Never Accepted Christ as Your Savior?", and consider the guide to receiving Him. Then come back and finish the last questions.
  • What does it mean to you that those who are in Christ are now sons (or daughters) of the light? In what tangible way can you walk better as a child of the light today?
Spend some time in prayer, either as individuals, or as a family. Consider your answers to these questions, repent where necessary, and praise God for being who He is and sending His son to bring us to Him.