April 7th
Read John 12:37-43
Here is one of those sometimes tough to wrestle with passages about Jesus, and as hard of a pill to swallow as this is, it sheds much needed light on why people sometimes do not respond to Him. It is because of unbelief. In Isaiah, the book Jesus quotes in this passage, the people heard the same message and there were those that did not hear because they wanted things of the world more than they wanted God. As a result their eyes were blinded and hearts were hardened toward the message of the Lord. The unfortunate part about this is that much of the world today is in the same place as the Pharisees and the many others Jesus refers to in this passage. Jesus used this same language, and passage from Isaiah, when He talked about the purpose of speaking in parables. Each time we hear these words we see that the result is that those who are only interested in themselves, and not truly Jesus, don’t see Him or His Kingdom at all.
  • I want to ask the same question I asked a few days ago. Where are your priorities? There were many of this day that heard about Jesus, but for fear of those around them, did not actually claim Him. As a result, their hearts were hardened. They didn’t want to lose their position in the kingdom of this world, but coincidentally would lose everything.
  • Why are we so often blinded by the “here and now” of this life? When you think about eternity does this life pale in comparison? Or is this life the best there is? (See Romans 8:18)
  • Don’t be fooled by bowing down to the “important” things of this world (things like reputation, promotions, social status, pleasures, and stuff).
  • Bow instead to Jesus! Turn to Him! In Him alone is true life. Each time we turn away our hearts can become colder and colder, harder and harder, toward Him. Is He tugging on your heart today? If so, don’t ignore it. There is no guarantee that He will tug again.
  • If He is tugging on your heart today and you have never given your heart to him, go to the last section of this book titled, "Never Accepted Christ as Your Savior?," and consider the points to receiving Him as Savior and Lord.
  • If you have, thank Him for His goodness and mercy. Then spend a few moments praying that those who do not know Him may acknowledge His Lordship, and submit their hearts to Him.
Spend some time in prayer, either as individuals, or as a family. Consider your answers to these questions, repent where necessary, and praise God for being who He is and sending His son to bring us to Him.