April 8th
Read John 12:44-50
As we close this chapter (but not this devotion, remember we still have one more for Easter tomorrow!) we see Jesus giving words of life. He says those that believe in Him really believe in the Father, those that see Him really see the Father. He came to reveal things hidden, and He has revealed the Eternal Father God, the first person of the trinity, to the world. Those who take Jesus at His word will not be judged as those who do not know Him, but those who do not take Him at His word will be judged by, and held accountable to, the words He has spoken. Jesus has been given, and therefore now gives, the commandment to eternal life: to trust and obey Him.
  • One of the purposes of Jesus’ coming was to show us the Father. Can you think of any ways of the past several devotions that Jesus’ life and character has revealed who the Father really is?
  • Jesus calls His followers not only to hear His words, but also to obey them. What is the difference between hearing and obeying?
  • Some have described having faith in Jesus (that which is required for salvation) as belief plus obedience. Do you believe in the Jesus of the Bible? Has that changed your life to obey Him any differently than before you believed in Him? Real faith means that you will obey Him as well as believe in Him.
  • Jesus said His father gave the commandment to eternal life. In the context He must be talking about having faith (belief that proves itself through works) in Himself as the only true commandment necessary to follow Him.
  • Have you obeyed this commandment to eternal life? If not, go to the end of this book, the section titled "Never Accepted Christ as Your Savior?," and consider the points for coming to Jesus. The come back and finish these questions
  • If you have already placed your faith in Him, rejoice today in what He has done so that you could come to Him! Then spend some time in prayer for someone you know who does not have faith in Him.
Spend some time in prayer, either as individuals, or as a family. Consider your answers to these questions, repent where necessary, and praise God for being who He is and sending His son to bring us to Him.